So my last post I talked about Zak having pneumonia and hoping that we would be out of the clear of getting sick. Well.... On Saturday Blyss came down with a fever, I thought maybe she had a little bit of heat stroke from playing outside all morning long and playing hard, I gave her some Ibuprofen and laid her down for a nap. After that she was fine, went back to playing, and we went to town. About 10 pm that night I felt like I got hit by a train, I had not one ounce of energy and started feeling achy. Then next morning no better, plus running a fever and having a cough, Blyss was the same way. So we stayed home and just relaxed. I started having the chills, dripping sweat to chattering teeth. I couldn't sleep due to this, plus my bones hurt, my back hurt, and I was coughing. Anytime we gave Blyss Ibuprofen she was a new girl and carried on doing what she does. On Monday Zak stayed home, dut to us being sick and knowing he was leaving to Nevada rest of the week. We decided to go to the doctor. We get there he checks me, everything looks fine, my lungs sound fine, but I do have a fever. We told the doctor about Zak having pneumonia, he seemed pretty skeptical that I would have it, but just in case ordered an xray to be done. Blyss and Sicaly are checked out because they are both coughing and they checked out fine. So I go have the xray and I feel awful running around doing this, the doctor later calls me and tells me I have pneumonia, and start some antibiotics. On Tuesday Zak leaves early to go to Nevada, I didn't sleep again all night, do to the chills, my body hurting- especially my back(my pneumonia was in the back lower part of my lungs- why it hurt my back), wake up to 2 sick girls- Hallee and Blyss, with fevers and complaining they don't feel good, meanwhile Sicaly is still coughing. I call the Doctor and he orders a chest xray for Blyss where he saw her the day before, once again he was very skeptical, thinking there is no way for them to have pneumonia. Off we go again to the hospital, Blyss gets her xray- I actually ask to see her xray and once I saw it I knew she had pneumonia, the Dr. calls me within 15 minutes, saying he can't believe it but she has pneumonia. He decides if she has it Hallee probably has it too, and we get a prescription for both girls. The Doctor told me he never has seen a whole family come down with pneumonia, he called us "weird."
The next day we have to go back to the Dr.'s to have everyone checked out again, Sicaly coughs and the Dr. said oh no, she needs to be on an antibiotic as well. Thank goodness he called one in, because she came down with a fever and was very cranky.
So it was a very crazy week, a very sick mom taking care of 3 little sick girls, then Zak comes home on Friday night not feeling well at all. The next day he goes to Insta Care only to discover he has pneumonia again- he was running a fever- so the doctor told him he is contagious- just what I want to hear. So hopefully the girls and I will not get it again! Hopefully we can all be on the mend and getting back to normal. The girls and I are feeling tons better- I'm just going through the pain of it right now, it is hard to breathe and my chest and back hurt.
I have a very awesome ward- once they heard we were sick which was Tuesday night- they jumped into action, volunteering to take Sicaly, bringing in meals, taking us to the Doctors, calling to see if they could pick something up in town for us, and caring. And our great neighbors even mowed our lawn for us. We sure appreciate everyone and volunteering to do stuff for us, it is really hard for me to accept that!
On a happy note-
I pulled out my camera last night and saw some cute pictures and laughed- I haven't laughed all week and it felt good- so here are the pictures that made me smile and laugh:

Nothing Better than a sleeping baby

This is at my parents, my girls went into my mom's raspberry patch and picked their own raspberries and now they are enjoying the friuts of their labor

I couldn't find Blyss one day, I go into their room to put up clothes, and it scared me half to death, I had to make sure she was still alive, she never goes to sleep by herslef. Later she told me she was playing with the cats- why the cats are on her bed, and she must of just fell right to sleep, but the cats were pretty cozy too.

I was taking Sicaly's clothes off, and it got stuck on her head, the girls were laughing so hard, it looked like she had an afro.
That is so awful!!! What a nightmare. Hope everyone stays healthy for a while. What a great ward to help you out.
Oh my goodness! I hope you all get better soon. Thinking about you!
You guys are so awesome...getting through a week like this, you should get a medal or something!
Just by reading this I think I am coming down with a cough! Just kidding but how awful to go through that. Hope you guys are on the mend and everything gets better.
wow i do not envy what you had to go through. glad you are feeling better and hope you all dont get the 2nd time around. just leave zak in isolation.
Wow! What a week! Just awful! I hope everyone is on the mend.
Im so sorry you guys have been sick! Im just dreading flu season coming up!
PS.. her skirt is from old navy!
Holy Cow, Marcy!!!!!!!! Sounds horrible! Hope everyone gets better soon and STAYS better!
NO FUN!!! My goodness, I hope you're all doing better. It's miserable having and caring for sick children but 100x worse when you're sick yourself. I'm so sorry.
oh my! thank you for this post. Jeff has been sick all week and it's been a nigthmare, I can't imagine if we were all sick! Yuck! You deserve a medal! Hope you are all well now.
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