
Sunday, April 18, 2010

Hey Hula Girl!

Yesterday Hallee's clogging group performed at a retirement center to get some practice for their recital. It was so stinkin cute!!!! All the groups did an awesome job, and I just love watching people clog, so much fun. My cousins little girl- Josee also is in the group with Hallee.

And for good measure a picture of all 3 of my girls! Sicaly has had gas lately, so she is pretty unhappy and uncomfortable!

1 comment:

Andrea said...

what is clogging? cute girls...sorry about the gas. When Emmett was gassy I got some papaya enzymes at a vitamin store and started taking them after meals. They were chewable and actually tasted good and it seemed to work really well. They help with digestion and I guess it passed onto him through the milk?