
Monday, February 22, 2010

The Tale of Shark Girl

Hallee's new teeth have been growing in behind her baby teeth, the dentist told me that the baby teeth would fall out soon, if they didn't he would pull them at her dentist appointment in March. Over the past 5 months we have been watching these new teeth get taller and taller, but the baby teeth never becoming loose(which I have been very nervous about, I did not want the dentist to have to pull them out). The new teeth were now as the baby teeth, and last Thursday I check and the baby teeth were kind of loose. Well Sunday night Hallee and Blyss were in the tub, when Blyss kicked Hallee in the mouth, Hallee screamed saying there was a hole in her teeth, well low and behold, Blyss knocked Hallee's baby tooth out. I told her what happened (luckily found the tooth in the bathtub) and that the tooth fairy will come and leave money under her pillow. She became instantly excited- thank goodness, I thougth there would be lots of tears and emotions. Hallee was so excited that she couldn't go to sleep anticipating what the tooth fairy was going to leave, she woke up very early to find the tooth gone, and a dollar bill left in its place. After Hallee got home from preschool and her and Blyss were playing, I heard Hallee ask Blyss if she could kick her in the mouth again to knock out the other tooth- I put a stop to that though! I'm so glad that loosing her first tooth was not tramatic and really easy!


Angie said...

Oh I'm so relieved for you that it fell out. I'm glad she got over being upset. What an exciting time for her and now dentist doing it. Keep wiggling that other one!

Rebecca said...

That is funny! Brinley had the same thing happen with her bottom teeth and made an appointment but we made fer keep wiggling that whole weekend before and they came out! Oh and now she will have quite the story for how she lost her first tooth!

Erica Bazil said...

Oh good - one down, one to go! That's funny Hallee asked Blyss to kick her in the mouth again. I'm sure she's so excited to see another gift left by the tooth fairy that she'll be working hard at wiggling that other tooth out soon enough - and then no dentist pulling at it - yeah!

Annette said...

At least it was cheaper than an extraction!

The Denning Family said...

I just had to say that Drew's big teeth were growing in behind his baby ones too. The babies fell out and the big ones have moved into their rightful place, thank goodness!!