I get a call from my babysitter- when I saw it was my babysitter, I thought this can't be good, I hear Blyss just a screaming and she told me that Blyss' feet were burned and that I need to come right now. I put all my paint stuff in a bag and jump in the car to head to her house. I get there and Blyss is so so upset. The babysitter had her feet in some ice water, and I asked how did her feet get burned. They were outside and Blyss didn't have any shoes on, they were coming inside and Blyss stepped on the metal plate of the door coming inside the door- and she let out a blood curdling scream and Blyss didn't move off the metal plate- just stayed on it, so she stood on it long enough before anybody picked her up that it burned her feet. It took the babysitter awhile to figure out what was wrong, because she didn't realize the metal plate had burned her. But her little feet after that had just huge blisters- this picture is taken about 24 hours after. I call Zak to see if we should take her to a doctor- we decide that we should, because she was still crying and in so much pain. We took her in and the burns are 2nd Degree burns, they lanced all of the burns to let out the liquid to help relieve the pressure, after that Blyss felt better, and they wrapped her feet up to keep them protected. Blyss tried walking but couldn't, so I packed her all around. Yesterday Blyss went back to the doctor and they lanced the burns again and dressed them. After the Dr.'s she is now walking and I have to lance and take care of the burns. Blyss is doing so well and just happy as can be- until I have to change bandages.
So just be aware of anything metal out in the sun- it can burn- keep shoes on your little ones! I had no idea that a metal door plate could burn so bad.
Oh my word! That is awful! Brooklyn never wants to put shoes on, now I'm going to have to MAKE her! Poor little Blyss! Hope she gets better fast!
Oh Marcy, I can't believe that burned her that bad. Thanks for the info, my boys never wear shoes. I guess we will be putting shoes on from now on. Hope you guys have a happy 4th!!!
Poor Blyss... my kids NEVER wear shoes hopefully after showing them the pictures they will want to. Good luck and keep us posted on how she is doing.
Poor little blyss- there is nothing worse than seeing your kids suffer- I'm so sorry. Good lesson learned I am not going to let Sofie go out without shoes
Ouch, Ouch, Ouch, that just makes me hurt for her. I'm so sorry - poor thing. Thanks for the warning!
I just feel so bad for her. You guys have had so many tough things happen to you lately. I am going to start calling you superwoman. Let us know if there is anything we can do for you!
Ouch, those look painful. What a trooper, I don't think I would walk for days. I hope she heals quickly.
Wow this is all you need. You've been so busy. Poor Blyss. I would have never thought about a child getting burned that way. Thanks for the warning. I hope she is feeling better and getting around better. She's probably so frustrated that she can't walk around as well.
How was your 4th of July? Aren't you guys supposed to be into your house this month? That is so exciting!
Poor little missy! I can't believe that. What a crazy thing to get burned on.
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