
Friday, November 30, 2012

Hallee in Disney Land

Hallee got to go to DisneyLand over the Thanksgiving Break with her Grandma and Grandpa Miller, Aunt Paige, Uncle Tyler, and cousins- Sayler, Wade and Rylan. She had an awesome time, didn't get homesick, and was such a good girl. Just on the way home after the airplane she did get sick and threwup all over in the car- so everyone had to smell that until the dropped her off.
Since I didn't get to see her this is what her Aunt Paige wrote about Hallee:
-on her first time to an amusement park, on the first day, on her first ride went on the biggest, baddest roller coaster in both parks, she was shaking afterward and opted not to ride it again twice in a row, but after a series of quacks, barks and howls and probably a dozen pictures she was ready to ride again.
-she then turned into one of the biggest thrill seekers of the group, beating out Wade and Rylan in a heated game of Rock Paper Scissors to have her final ride on Space Mountain, the pitch black space simulated indoor thriller.
-like a good dog was always right next to her adult buddy
-good hand holder
-could be seen taking pictures of walls, sidewalks, the backs of other people
-didn't get even a splash of water at Grizzly Rapids while Grandpa looked like he had fallen out of the raft...again, and Grandma was lucky she wasn't wearing white.
-not an early riser
-has the best belly flop dive I have ever seen
-great doggy paddle swim
-always knew where her purse was and didn't forget anything
-can't walk and zip up her purse, must stop and zip it up
-occasionally convinced Grandpa to howl with her

Famous Quote
Friday afternoon Hallee after repeatedly belly flopping into the pool has a heart felt talk with Sayler
Sayler: Does anything hurt after you dive into the pool?
Hallee: No not really.
Sayler: Your head doesn't hurt?
Hallee: No
Sayer: Your belly doesn't hurt?
Hallee: Nope
Sayler: So nothing hurts?
Hallee: No nothing really hurts except my head.
Saturday Evening
Grandpa: Hallee do you want to call home?
Hallee: No I'm going to see them tomorrow
Sunday Afternoon
Hallee: I'm going to puke

 Rylan, Wade, Hallee, Sayler
 Tyler, Paige, Lee, Cindy, Sayler, Hallee, Rylan, and Wade
 Tyler and Hallee
 At the AirPort
 Riding in a Limosine!!!!!

It was true that Hallee took alot of random pictures!!!! She got some pretty good ones too! What one Lucky girl to experince this. I haven't even been to Disney Land.
She had a blast and what a good memory for her, she got to know her cousins, grandparents, and aunt and uncle alot better.

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