
Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I'm ReAdY tO POP

I have people asking me all the time, "You about ready to pop?" Even strangers, and men. And I reply, "Yes, hopefully soon." Because I don't think I can get any bigger and I just HURT! I have 1 pair of pants that fit and all my maternity shirts are getting a little short. So hopefully this little girl will decide to come soon.

As of Monday I was 70% Effaced and Dialated to a 3, if I don't have her by Monday I will be started.

Hallee and Blyss tell me all the time I look like I have a balloon under my shirt, so Hallee and I are comparing.

I got out the bassinet today, and it turned out to be the funnest toy ever for the girls.


The High Family- said...

My favorite is when I had 2 months to go and somebody would say that! You look always. Hope she comes soon. Know she'll be beautiful.

Sara said...

Good luck Marcy! You do look like you have a balloon in there...and everything else is skinny! :)

Trisha said...

You always look so cute...I know I tell you this all the time ;)

Good luck with the delivery. I am hoping it is soon for you too.

Rachel said...

Good luck I hope all goes well for you and that she's perfect. Those last few days were the hardest for me. I hope you can have a great weekend if your baby decides to wait.

Jenny said...

You have always looked stunning this whole pregnancy. You look great.

The Foster Bunch said...

Good luck! Hopefully she will come before Monday, if not there is light at the end of tunnel. Good luck again!!

Erica Bazil said...

That is so great - maybe you'll have her early. I hope all goes well for you this next week then. I think your girls pegged it - you and Hallee look pretty similar in that pix, so it must be a balloon you're having. :)

Ashley Hancock said...

I am sending easy delivery vibes your way! Thinking of you, and good luck!

Rebecca said...

I hope taht everything went well with the delivery and that you get to post pictures in the next couple of days!