
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Easter 2012

My kids were so excited for Easter- Hallee was up at 11:30pm seeing if the Easter Bunny had come, and of course he had, then she couldn't sleep rest of the night- then both Hallee and Blyss were up by 6:45am the next morning- (on Christmas morning they slept in until 8)! Of course they had a blast finding all the eggs and so excited for everything. Hallee was a bit disappointed that she didn't get 10 Cadbury eggs- that is what she wanted the Easter Bunny to bring her- she only got 3.

The girls each got an Easter Dress, Hallee and Blyss got a movie and butterfly catcher, and Sicaly got a ball and bubbles-
We didn't get a picture of them in there new dresses, because Sicaly went down for a nap. We have 1pm  Church and every Sunday Sicaly comes to me at noon and whines, I want to Rock, Go Rock. So we go rock and she falls right to sleep, and Zak and I take our turns at Church while Sicaly naps. Any other day of the week she doesn't go down for a nap until 1 and 2, and it is not easy at all! She is one smart cookie to keep herself out of Nursery, which she doesn't really like.

1 comment:

Trisha said...

Good ol' 1pm church!