
Thursday, June 30, 2011

June 2011

June has been a busy month, we finally did kick the sick bugs and started playing. Hallee has been playing T-Ball, yesterday was her last day, she really improved from last year, Sicaly has kept me in shape at these games, she thinks she needs to be on the field playing too- and she doesn't give up on what she wants! Hallee and Blyss have been taking swimming lessons these past 2 weeks, and their last day was today. Blyss is a little fish and does very well, Hallee does not like to get her face wet, so it is a challenge for her. The girls have had so much after lessons to go out and swim in the other pools.

We decided it was time that Blyss had a bike, and she loves her bike, it took a week for her to understand how to use her brakes, but now she is a little pro and loves going down hills. Zak got our swing set painted and put together and the girls just love it.

Zak and I were released from being primary teachers, Zak was put in as the gospel doctrine teacher for the adults and I was put in as the 10 and 11 year old girls activity leader- I'm so excited, we have had one activity- we made washer necklaces with scrapbook paper. The girls are great and I have lots of ideas floating around to do! If you have any great ideas let me know.


Kristin and Jay said...

cute necklaces! They are lucky to have you as their leader!

Erica Bazil said...

Oh, you will be just perfect for those girls in activity days (with all your talents and creativity and your great example). I'm thrilled for you. Looks like you've been busy as well. We are just wrapping up with things around here as well and I look forward to a little slower July!