
Sunday, September 27, 2009

Hopefully 3rd time is a ChArM

Well we are trying the whole kitty thing again for the 3 rd time this summer. This time we got 2 kitties- I know we are crazy to keep getting kitties. I can't believe Zak is such a push over with kitties lately- since he is allergic to them and doesn't like them. But one night we were taking a walk and were walking past someone's house in our ward and the kitties were out playing in their yard and the girls fell instantly in love with them and we decided to try 2 this time, so Hallee and Blyss could each have their own, and we are putting the kitties on the deck instead of the garage this time, and we are hoping if we have 2 they will keep each other company out on the deck and not run away. The girls can't leave these poor kitties alone though. They are well loved and hopefully the newness of them will wear off soon, because that is all the girls want to do is to play with them. Sometimes they get pretty rough with them, Blyss had her kitty in her purse one day, so I have to keep a constant eye on what they are doing with them. But it is kind of nice because it gives the girls something to do, so I can get some projects done. Like....

I couldn't let my tomatoes go to waste- so I decided to can spaghetti sacue. It really didn't save any money to can spaghetti sauce, but I didn't now what else to do with my tomatoes!

Also, for all of you out there who has tons of zucchini like me- I tried a great recipe this week:

Zucchini Casserole:
2 cups cooked chicken- diced into bite size pieces
In a frying pan with 1 TBSP Butter- 2 Cups Zucchini diced into bite size pieces, 1 cup chopped up carrots, 1/2 cup diced onion- get the vegetables to a tender crisp.
Mix in bowl- 1 can cream of chicken soup, 1/2 cup sour cream, and 1 cup grated cheese- mix together, then add chicken, and then vegetables.
Put all of this in a casserole dish, top with a box of Stove Top(chicken) stuffing mix- Just leave it dry and spread over top.
Place in oven at 375 and bake for 20-25 minutes.
All of us really liked it and it was easy.

And last- Nothing get better then seeing something like this:

I sure love those little girls.


Trisha said...

You are crazy to have 2 cats!

Jenny said...

I can't believe you are trying a third time. I think this will be the charm.

I want to try that recipe. Sounds good.

Holly said...

I found this post really funny, because, don't call peta on us or anything, but we have seriously had 8 kittens from this Spring until now. I know... sad. We live on a fairly busy road, most were not street smart, and the neighbors have really hungry dogs, we will leave it at that! We are crossing our fingers that the one we have now makes it! So far she's lasted the longest!! haha!

I too LOVE zucchini casserole! YUM! Hope you guys are doing great! :)

The High Family- said...

That picture of the girls in priceless. Isn't it nice when they show that they love each other. Hope you are feeling well!

Taylor Anne Vail said...

so cute...and your canning looks great! YUM!

Andrea said...

You are brave when it comes to kittens, and Zak is a trooper. I am allergic and so I doubt we will ever have them:)
I'm really impressed by your canning. It is so much work. This year I only did you said they are easy! Plus, the kids absolutely love them so that makes it worth it.
Take care.

Erica Bazil said...

Good luck this time! Those are such adorable kittens!

Dixie Bazil said...

Looks like you have had fun canning. I have been freezing my stuff since I don't have canning equipment. I canned applesauce and am going to hopefully try freezing a huge box of pears that I picked. We'll see how they turn out. Cute kittens, I wish the kids could have a kitten, but I am afraid our dogs would have them for lunch, and Trev is allergic so that puts that out of our minds! If you ever want a salsa recipe, I have a great one!